summer, summer season, summer carnival

In southern England, over 37,000 people gather at Stonehenge to see the summer solstice.

summer, summer season, summer carnival

Over 37,000 people gather at Stonehenge in southern England to observe the summer solstice. Druids and agnostics are among the people who commend the longest day of the year at this striking spot.

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Did you know.... We are all composed of stardust.

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Being buried alive accidentally occurred so often that people invented “safety coffins.”

beagles, dog

Getting a beagle pup

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Brasilia,  capital

Rio de Janeiro is not the capital city.

Witches, The Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter, witchcraft,  magic

"To convict someone of witchcraft, no solid evidence was required. "

fruits, mimosa pudica

Each fruit has a cluster of two to eight pods, each of which can be divided into two to five segments.

beagles, dog

Beagles are avid hunters.

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Did you Know? Spiders are considered good luck symbols in Ukraine during the Christmas season.

 Fennel seed

Fennel seeds help with digestion.

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Having an asthma action plan is the best way to avoid the hospital.

conspiracy, theory, prophecy fails, Leon Festinger, backfire effect

The jury is still out on whether those who believe in conspiracy theories may be persuaded to change their beliefs.

Vision Boards I

Vision Boards Improve Your Focus


Is it possible to catch freshwater flatfish?

Custard apple

Custard apple is a powerful antioxidant

summer, summer season, summer carnival

The earth did not have a summer in 1816.

spices, indian spices, black pepper, indian spice facts

Did you Know? India is the Spice Capital of the world.

cricket, batsman, Alastair cook, Sachin Tendulkar, run

Cricket is still deadly.

khajuraho, city, india, temples

Antiquity's Best-Preserved Monuments

 Selçuk Efes Camel

Turkey has no native camels, however there is an annual camel wrestling festival.

hernias, abdominal walls

Surgery is used to treat hernias. And mesh is typically used during surgery, which frequently raises questions from my patients.

Homi J Bhabha,  Cambridge, Copenhagen, Nobel Prize, Niels Bohr

As a student, Homi J Bhabha collaborated with a Nobel Prize winner.

klecksography, inkblots, children game, nineteenth, century, rorschach, swissasylum, abstract, symme

There Is Still Disagreement About Whether The Test Works.

dictionaries, editors, research, English, zeitgeist, apple, Renaissance, Alphabetically, Greek, Fren

There are a lot of strange dictionaries out there.


Beluga whales have a low dorsal ridge but no dorsal fins.


JFK Was Not A Jelly Donut