femur, bone, upperleg, thigh, longest bone, human, skeleton, body

Did you know.... The thigh bone can withstand thousands of pounds of stress.

femur, bone, upperleg, thigh, longest bone, human, skeleton, body

The femur bone, found in the upper leg, is your body's longest bone. As a result, it can withstand hundreds of pounds of force and is extremely tough to break. Femurs have the ability to support 30 times your own weight! The majority of femur fractures are caused by severe vehicle accidents or falls from considerable heights, which can provide enough force to shatter the bone.

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Some asteroids exhibit comet-like behaviours.

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To assist sailors, time balls were devised.

air pollution

Up to 36,000 premature deaths due to air pollution occur in the UK each year.

Spider silk

Spider silk is liquid

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According to one researcher, 200 yetis reside in northern Russia.

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Can You Give Your Cat Too Much Catnip?

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Did you Know? 1,000 elephants were used to transport the building materials to Agra.

fruits, mimosa pudica

Because it has several vital qualities, including aphrodisiac, antibacterial, antivenom, antifertility, anticonvulsant, and many more.


Either highbush or lowbush blueberries are what you're eating.

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Do PCOS patients need to have multiple cysts in the ovaries for diagnosis?


Fruit is preferable to juice.

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The record for the longest period without sleep is 11 days