
One proven technique to keep your skin appearing as young as possible is to use sun protection.


The majority of the outward indicators of aging on your skin are caused by the sun, which is why dermatologists have created the unique category of photoaging for sun damage.

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They sense vibrations to "hear"


Collagen helps to firm your skin.

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Anxiety Can Cause Memory Problems

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Bangkok: A tale of many markets


Sweden is a global economic powerhouse.

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Have you heard about Honeycomb Shades?


A family with an Oscar

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Nepal The World's Ceiling

A Coconut

A Coconut has the ability to travel enormous distances.

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When a piece of glass breaks, the cracks move at 3000mph.


JFK Was Not A Jelly Donut

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Linda Blair, best known for her role as the possessed child Regan in The Exorcist, made a brief appearance in Scream.

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Minerals can alter the color of the glass.


There are 176 universities worldwide that teach Hindi. 45 of these universities are from the United States.

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Did you Know? Iron Man is the owner of Area 51.

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Did you Know? Our bodies are quite similar.

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Not all Hermit Crabs make use of discarded seashells as temporary dwellings.


Heart disease accounts for one-third of all deaths.

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Did you Know? Tarantula hawks have the most venomous insect bites.

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Did you Know? Dabbawallahs provide an astonishing number of lunches.


Lobsters stomachs are used to chew.

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The phrase "X-Files" refers to all of the conspiracy theory fodder that the FBI is secretly working on.

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The stones' transportation remains a mystery.

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The korean language has its own script.

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Netflix Once Mistakenly Rented Out Chinese Pornography.