fruits, fruits facts, bananas, fruits fact, fruit fact, fruit facts

Fact! Most of the fruits dies at the moment they are harvested.

fruits, fruits facts, bananas, fruits fact, fruit fact, fruit facts

Even after being harvested, most fruits can still respond to their surroundings. Take, for example, the banana: A quick Google search will yield numerous methods for hastening the ripening of green bananas, as well as tips for preventing them from ripening too quickly. Avocados ripen or'soften' after being harvested as well!

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The oceans create most of the oxygen on Earth.

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"In Search of Lost Time" is the Longest Novel ever Created

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The Unicorn is Scotland's National Animal.

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The saltiness of bacon isn't natural; it's the result of curing and brining.

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There is no original Bible going back to the time of Jesus.

KFC Japan

The traditional Christmas Eve meal is KFC

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Mexico's presidential residence is 14 times larger than the White House and officially welcomed tourists in 2018.

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Vlad The Impaler Might Have Been An Influence, on Dracula Too.

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The longest word in English may make Shashi Tharoor sweat

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Is it Myanmar or Burma?

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Uzbekistan is home to the world's largest open-pit gold mine

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Did you Know? Mexico City is the second city of the world with the largest number of museums.

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Did you Know? Dracula Was Almost Called The Un-Dead.

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Fun Fact! Democracy was born in Greece

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There’s An Intergovernmental Arctic Forum.

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North Sentinel Island is home to one of the most isolated paleolithic tribes of the world

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In 1927, Santa Claus was granted an official pilot's license.