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Malaysia also has some incredible wildlife outside of the rainforest! Amazing Right?

malaysia, malaysia facts, facts about malaysia, malaysian facts, facts about malaysians, malaysian c

Malaysia is home to 14,500 plant species, 200 animal species, 600 bird species, and 140 snake species. Two species in particular stand out among this astounding array of fauna. Rafflesia is a parasitic flower genus found in Malaysia. You'll recognise a Rafflesia not just because it's the world's largest bloom, with a cross section of nearly a metre in length, but also because you'll smell it before you see it. You would assume a huge bloom smells lovely, but you'd be incorrect. It's been compared to the odour of decaying flesh. Another remarkable creature seen in Malaysia is the King Cobra. Not only is this the world's longest poisonous snake, but it is also the longest snake

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