pirates, eyepatch, fictional, pirates, national, national geographic, appendages

Grog was the pirate's preferred beverage.

pirates, eyepatch, fictional, pirates, national, national geographic, appendages

Pirates preferred grog, a concoction of rum, water, lemon juice, and sugar. (Hmmm, I wonder where the inspiration for our rum punch came from?)

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A town once dedicated to soap production still exists today.

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Mirrors have been linked to hallucinations.


Quebec is a province that speaks French.

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Do you know about Glossophobia

Gummy Bears

Gummy Bears Are A German Invention

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Kumbh ke mele mai bhai bichaad gye.


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We may thank a famous author's brother for conspiracy theorists' tinfoil hats.

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Did you Know? The Titanic's Owners Never Said the Ship Was "Unsinkable"