finding nemo, australian, marine biologists, pet rats, clownfish

And Clownfish Vanished After Finding Nemo

finding nemo, australian, marine biologists, pet rats, clownfish

Just as there was a run on pet rats, the population of clownfish in their natural habitats took a precipitous drop following the release of Finding Nemo, which stars a clownfish. Marine biologists reported that the numbers of the fish dropped by as much as 75 percent in the Australian reefs they inhabit.

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It is untrue that vitamin D supplements cause people to lose weight.


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Retinoids come from animals. Carotenoids are retinol sources found in plants.

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Many Gods Of Ancient Egypt

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If you have a face tattoo or have had facial surgery, you will need a new passport.

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In the US there is a two-year-old mayor

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Rose is US's national flower.

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Did you Know? Greece is the biggest producer of Olives

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There’s a Chanel perfume with extracts from a beaver’s abdominal glands

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What Exactly Is a Deafening Noise?

Coconut Oil!

Canine Coconut Oil!

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Sharks have microscopic teeth called dermal denticles that cover their bodies.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea can also be beneficial if you are unwell or have a cold.

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Did you Know? Glass gem corn exists!

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There is a language specific to crocheting.

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Did you Know? There are 130 pyramids in Egypt

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Did you Know? Pineapples can destroy your taste buds

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Tiny flowers make up sunflowers.