pancreas, digestion, Glucagon, insulin, exocrine, fat, protein, carbohydrates

It performs endocrine and exocrine functions simultaneously.

pancreas, digestion, Glucagon, insulin, exocrine, fat, protein, carbohydrates

The pancreas does play a significant role in digestion even though food never enters the organ. The pancreatic duct transports the pancreatic fluid it produces to the duodenum. Once in the digestive system, the fluid's enzymes aid in the breakdown of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. It performs the role of an exocrine gland by releasing a substance into the body's ducts. It also serves as an endocrine gland, secreting two hormones into the bloodstream to help regulate blood sugar levels. Glucagon is released when you don't have enough sugar, and insulin is released when you do.

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