fruits, mimosa pudica

By sowing this unusual plant, the soil's physio-chemical characteristics are altered, increasing the levels of nitrogen and potassium.

fruits, mimosa pudica

By sowing this unusual plant, the soil's physio-chemical characteristics are altered, increasing the levels of nitrogen and potassium. For these plants, the ideal soil conditions are loose and loamy, well-moisturized, and extremely humid.

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Flowers are produced by Venus flytraps.

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Santa entertainers may earn up to $1,200 per hour.

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Soap has progressed from a simple cleanser to a drab daytime drama.

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What Is the Effect of Catnip?

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Revolutionary War in the United States

custard apple

They sprout from apples.

Bhutan,  Vajrayana Buddhism, Buddhism, religion, Bhutanese, Buddhist

Bhutan only removed its prohibition on television and the Internet in 1999.


They make and consume a lot of chocolate.

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Did you Know? Cutting your hair does not influence how fast your hair will grow.

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Did you Know? Madagascar is the world’s fourth largest island

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Did you Know? Waheeda Rahman has played both mother and lover to Amitabh Bachchan.

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Confucianism is practised by the vast majority of Hong Kong residents.

The United States

The United States is one of just eight countries in the world that does not mandate paid maternity leave.


Train made of bamboo

 sound wave

Is it possible for a sound wave to generate a shock wave?