cat, stubbs, mayor, alaska, talkeetna, legislative, elections, tourist

Isaac Newton invented the cat door

cat, stubbs, mayor, alaska, talkeetna, legislative, elections, tourist

The scientist is most famous for calculated gravity, but it’s also believed that Isaac Newton invented the cat door. How Stuff Works writes that when Newton was working on his experiments at the University of Cambridge he was constantly interrupted by his cats scratching at the door. So he called the Cambridge carpenter to see two holes in the door, one for the mother cat and one for her kittens! Apparently, these holes can still be seen at the university today.

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Hindi is the fourth most widely spoken language, following English, Spanish, and Mandarin.


Do Iguanas See at Night?

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Only every two weeks do they eat.

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Tinfoil hats, unfortunately for conspiracy enthusiasts, have been shown to enhance specific radio frequencies.

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Gundam Technology is founded on actual science.

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Indonesia boasts the most 'young' people in the world.

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Did you Know? Negative dreams are more common!

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Beneficial for heart issues

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Best Friend for Pregnant Women

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Fiat owns a significant portion in Ferrari.

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The oldest known pet cat existed 9,500 years ago

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Did you Know? OM is the sound of Universe

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India’s largest natural zoo “Assam State Zoo”


Collagen shields the skin from oxidation:

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Authors nearly never create the cover and frequently have no say in the matter.

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Have you heard the legends of El Chupacabra?

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Did you Know? A lady was the world's most successful pirate.


They make and consume a lot of chocolate.

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High-rise bamboo!

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Some Constellations Have Families