
Lobsters stomachs are used to chew.


The gastric mill is a grinding apparatus for breaking up food that looks like a set of teeth on their stomachs and is the size of a walnut in a one-pound lobster.

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Lobsters are able to regenerate limbs.

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However, some of the earliest recorded descriptions of hypnosis date back to 1500 B.C. in ancient Egypt.

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The first published Hindi book, "Prem Sagar," written by Lallu Lal (1805), is based on Lord Krishna.

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You are more likely to overlook Mount Fuji.

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Flounders may be found in both fresh and saltwater.


Bamboo survived the Hiroshima nuclear test.

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Krill in Antarctica are not little.

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Bangkok has the longest city name in the World

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Rio de Janeiro translates as January River.

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