hypnosis, sleep, scientists, hypnotic, illusion

However, some of the earliest recorded descriptions of hypnosis date back to 1500 B.C. in ancient Egypt.

hypnosis, sleep, scientists, hypnotic, illusion

Imhotep, the world's first known physician, used Sleep Temples as healing sanctuaries. The temples were used as a type of suggestion therapy, and people would go there to be healed of physical and mental ailments. Patients who visit a Sleep Temple are said to be put under the influence of incantation or a hypnotic state. Before finally falling asleep, the physician would make whatever suggestions he could to help them overcome their problem in the hopes that the gods would visit the patient while he slept and fix them.

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Did you Know? Janitors do not exist in Japan.

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Attempting To Escape Jail Is Legal In Germany

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Chamomile tea might make living during your period simpler.

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Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper

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Passports Around the World

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Female sting rays Are Bigger Than Male


Pink flamingos make milk. Okay, sort of.

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In the summer, the Eiffel Tower grows six inches taller.

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Fast Reading Helps to Protect the Eyes

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The world's foggiest location


There is an equation that calculates how long a conspiracy can remain hidden.

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The original Merriam-Webster Dictionary was $6.

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One of the most expensive pieces of glass art in the world is the "Portland Vase."

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Benjamin Franklin predicted his rival's death.

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The edible leafy tips of beetroots are bursting with vitamin K

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is jam-packed with a wide range of creatures.

Spine, spinal cord

We are born with 33 vertebrae and lose some as we get older.

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The Iconic silver hue of Mercedes-Benz was created by reducing weight for a race.

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Anxiety Can Cause Physical Symptoms

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Candle wax was consumed during feasts.

Braille Challenge

Ever heard of the Braille Challenge?

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Did you Know? Indian Ocean Has Several Tectonic Plate Boundaries

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It was believed that the three "Bells" belonged to the same person.