summer, summer season, summer carnival

Manhattenhenge is home to a fascinating sunset phenomenon twice a year, on May 28 and July 12.

summer, summer season, summer carnival

The Sun sets directly at the end of many of New York City's major streets twice a year because the city is built on a grid that is rotated 29 degrees clockwise from true east-west. This results in a stunning sunset, with the Sun nestled in between the rows of buildings and slightly above the horizon.

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"Sunglasses provide protection from crow's feet.

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It is one of the world's tiniest countries.

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We almost had the 13th sign.

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Santa has a valid pilot's licence.

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It may also aid with weight loss indirectly.

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Did you Know? Greek Fire, a weapon of the Eastern Roman Empire, was utilised in ship-mounted flamethrowers.

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The Maratha Empire's administrative centre was in Pune.

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Walt Disney Was Afraid of Mice

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Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night

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Did you Know? Japan imports over 80% of Jamaica's annual coffee production

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Spider silk is liquid

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One of only three dragon flags in the world.


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Nalanda University is one of the oldest universities in the world.

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Earthworm's average age is more than 5 years.

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Although it can be grown outside as well, this type of plant is typically kept indoors

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On average, a cow produces 6.3 gallons of milk each day

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Did you Know? Gayatri Mantra is composed of the initial letter of each of the Ramayana's 1000 verses.