historians, mediterranean, royalmuseums, egyptian, akhenaten, greenwich, ancient, greece

There was a "Golden Age of Piracy," but piracy dates back to ancient times.

historians, mediterranean, royalmuseums, egyptian, akhenaten, greenwich, ancient, greece

Criminals have been sailing the seas for as long as there have been ships. Historians, for example, have discovered evidence of pirates in the Mediterranean as far back as 1353 B.C. During this period, the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten complained about pirates raiding his coastal cities and ports. According to the Royal Museums Greenwich, the tyrants also threatened ancient Greece's trading routes and looted grain and olive oil cargoes from Roman ships.

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Younger is a fantastic TV show to watch if you're interested in publishing.


Lobsters consume one another.

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Stomach cancer was No. 1 in the 1940s, now it’s No. 8

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You Can Install Windows 10 Using a USB Flash Drive.

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Myth: Vitamin D levels should be checked for everyone.


There is an ATM with latin instructions

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Did you Know? Neon shade Nail paints are not actually legal.

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Indian street dogs (Indian pariah dogs) are extremely alert & social.

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Mirror Neurons Aid in Explaining the Spread of Positive Vibrations

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Money can purchase happiness, but only to a degree.

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The red stains and betel leaves in Myanmar

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As an April Fool joke, BMW gave away a new car.

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Chia can be beneficial to babies.

The Khajuraho

The Khajuraho temple complex is split into three sections: Western, Eastern, and Southern.

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Teton County, Wyoming is home to the Grand Teton National Park.

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Temperature is no concern for beagles

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Pune was regarded as a Paradise for Pensioners.

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A human could swim through a blue whale's veins.

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How do you know If your body clock is off?


Quebec is a province that speaks French.