redhead, red hair, ginger hair, women

Redhead ladies having more sex.

redhead, red hair, ginger hair, women

According to a study conducted by a German sex expert, women with red hair had sex more frequently. A comparable English study discovered that redhead girls had sex three times per week on average, whereas our blonde and brunette colleagues did it twice per week. It's a shame the guys weren't questioned as well.

Related Facts

They consume a lot of alcohol.


Long before settlers arrived, first Nations peoples were already eating lowbush blueberries.

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Are there similarities between korean and other languages?

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In Florida, what is a flatfish?

allahabad, prayagraj, akbar, Prayag, east india comapny

Hira Halwai for the delicious Samosa

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Almond flour is an excellent gluten-free substitute for wheat flour!

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Home to some of the world's cheapest booze.

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Did you Know? Iceland Has No Mosquitoes 

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If someone dies on your flight, their body might stay in the cabin with you.

pune, India, city

Most costly per person in India's income.

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Did you Know? Clothes can take up to 40 years to get decomposed.

Werther's Originals

Are Werther's Originals made with butterscotch?

Hindi, Urdu, language, Hindustani, north India, India

Hindi shares certain commonalities with Urdu, Bengali, Sanskrit, Nepalese, and Gujarati.

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Did you know.... It's not the so-called "God particle." 

scream, movie, real story, Gainesville Ripper,  American, serial killer

Billy has also appeared in films other than Saw. Insidious, Dead Silence, and Death Sentence all featured him as an Easter egg.

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Did you Know? Leonardo da Vinci was an accomplished musician.

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Your spine is more adaptable than you realise.

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There Is Still Disagreement About Whether The Test Works.

 number 111

The number 111 is usually seen as unlucky.

Birmingham, Venice, Italy, United Kingdom, England

The World's Largest Pre-Raphaelite Painting Collection

Times Square, New York, New Year

Many Brazilians spend New Year's Eve at the beach.

skin, exfoliate, dull skin, cells, rough skin

Smooth Skin Is Left After Exfoliation

human body facts, human facts, skeleton facts, bone facts,

Did you Know? Many feet bones don't harden until you're an adult.


It is comprised of two types of stone.

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

Few People Still Exist in the World Who Are Capable of Blowing Glass