glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

Minerals can alter the color of the glass.

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

Other minerals can be combined with soda ash, lime, and sand to produce glass of various colours. For instance, violet glass is created when nickel oxide is added to the mixture.

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Did you Know? Evil eye is the most common superstition among Greeks.

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Can you buy a ticket for the Met Gala?

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What Did You Know? India's very first automobile

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Fun Fact! Who was the Oldest Oscar Winner Ever?

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As the syllabus covers a wide range of courses, applicants may sit for multiple tests.


Even the Pith Is Beneficial

Nevermind, nirvana, Sam Goody, Tower Records, Badmotorfinger, Soundgarden, Blood Sugar Sex Magik,  R

Never mind that it cost more than 200 times as much as its predecessor.


Yuba Bharati Krirangan Vivekananda (VYBK)

Fennel seed

Fennel seed aids with blood pressure regulation.

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Did you Know? Bob Kane Didn’t Create Batman as We Know Him

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Leonardo DiCaprio Did Not Do the Drawing in Titanic

chronic smoking

In adults, chronic smoking can cause sleeplessness.

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Bangkok: A tale of many markets


In a prison, the first mass-produced toothbrush prototype was created.

Crochet, Google Analytics, knitting, numbers, searches

Love of crochet will inevitably result in an uncontrollable compulsion to buying yarn.

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"Sleeping on your front can aid digestion"

eczema, inflammatory skin, atopic dermatitis, skin

Scratching aggravates eczema

Pariah dogs

Pariah dogs from India are very adaptive.


Cowlicks can appear on the brows.

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The oldest known pet cat existed 9,500 years ago

Hindi, Urdu, language, Hindustani, north India, India

Hindi shares certain commonalities with Urdu, Bengali, Sanskrit, Nepalese, and Gujarati.


85 species of krill are recognised.

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Did you Know? The Film with the Most Oscar Nominations is...

passport,  Bible, traveling, documents, official, airport, identity

Passports Around the World


Flamingos are toothless.