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Which movie was the First Technicolour Oscar Winner?

oscars, theartist, bestpicture, 1929, wings, charlesbuddyrogers, richardallen, clarabow, younggaryco

The first color film to win the Best Picture was 'Gone With The Wind' in 1940.

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First day of summer.


Grapefruit may potentially aid in cancer prevention.

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Greeks once resided there.

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petra was destroyed during an ancient massive earthquake

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Did you Know? Pineapples can destroy your taste buds


Collagen helps to firm your skin.

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The Names Of The Snake Plant

Unexploded Bombs

Germany Has Thousands Of Unexploded Bombs

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The earthworm has more than 1000 species.

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Swiggy locks in key resources

Red hair

Red hair is thicker than hair of other colours.

The Inuit

The Inuit do not kiss by rubbing their noses together.

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Rose is US's national flower.


The Russian term belukha, which means "white," is where the English name "beluga" is derived.

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Women Are Twice As Likely As Men To Develop An Anxiety Disorder


Before Charlotte, Anne and Emily were able to locate a publisher.


Switzerland is aging, with a high life expectancy.

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How Long Do Iguanas Live?

The light

The light is the world's most effective light source.

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Threats Exist for Three Species.

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Did you Know? UK spend about $1 million every day on cakes.

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Starbucks spends more on health care for employees than coffee beans every year.

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With one product, your skin would be happy from head to toe.

Asteroid Belt

The first object of the Asteroid Belt was discovered on the first night of the 19th century