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Perseus Took Medusa’s Head

athena, athena goddess, about athena the greek goddess, greek gods, greek gods and goddesses, ancien

Before confronting Medusa, Perseus equipped himself with an adamantine sickle, a kibisis (a bag or wallet to place Medusa’s head), the helmet of Hades, which could make its wearer invisible, and a set of winged sandals lent by Mercury. Acquiring these objects was no easy task. Alone, Perseus would not even come close to obtaining them. But the hero had Athena’s help. She led him to the three Graeae, who knew the secret location of the Stygian nymphs. After tricking the Graeae, Perseus found the nymphs who equipped him with all the objects mentioned previously. Additionally, Athena gave him a shield.

Perseus left fo

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You possess more than you realize!

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