This is more than anywhere else in the world due to Australia's isolation from other continents.
221B Baker Street is a fictitious address.
There is no more secure city in the world.
Hornets were utilised as a weapon of war by the Mayans.
Deserts Of Egypt..have you heard about it?
Did you Know? People are more likely to forget things that are in black and white.
Medusa’s Appearance Changed Throughout the Centuries
The Great Sphinx of Giza is technically not a sphinx.
Wyoming has the nation's first female governor.
Niagara Falls Is Still Young
The Original ‘Toothbrush’ Was a Stick
There is a term for the hue you perceive in complete darkness.
"The ""Portland Vase"" is one of the most valuable pieces of glass art in the world. "
Asteroids come in a variety of varieties.
Taiwan’s official title is the Republic of China (RoC)
Did you Know? Superman once demonstrated Lex Luthor was right.
A 6- to 8-inch-long skeleton was unearthed outside a Chilean ghost town.
The Busiest Pedestrian Crossing in the World is in Tokyo.
There are barbeque and bacon-inspired fragrances out there
'Ho Ho Ho' is Santa's method of expressing his delight and happiness.
Did you Know? In-flight oxygen masks aren't intended to last the whole flight.
James Bond Wore a Toupe
South India is home to one of the richest temples in the world
The Most Dangerous yet the most, yet very Small
When did it start? And why?
Did you Know? Brazil is South America's biggest and the world's fifth largest country.