The Khajuraho

The Khajuraho temple complex is split into three sections: Western, Eastern, and Southern.

The Khajuraho

The Khajuraho temple complex is split into three sections: Western, Eastern, and Southern.

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Only Luv Kush Temple exists.

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Turkey is where Santa Claus was born.


Kimchi was once made without the chillies


Kiwi can promote sleep.

hypnotised individual

A hypnotised individual maintains complete control.

Fennel seed

Fennel seeds cleanse the blood.

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The Giant Swallowtail Butterfly is one of the largest butterflies.

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Did You Know.... One Of The Most Extravagant Pizzas


Quebec City has about 30 flights of stairs!

pompeii, Giuseppe Fiorell, Italian, architect, Mount Vesuviu, pumice

The locals had Hollywood grins.

 low-income countries

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swelling and lumps?

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Soap has progressed from a simple cleanser to a drab daytime drama.

pompeii, Giuseppe Fiorell, Italian, architect, Mount Vesuviu, pumice

Greeks once resided there.

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Did you Know? World record for birthday candles stands at over 70,000.

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It could have been a cemetery.