thestarks, housestark, wolves, sansa, sophieturner, northerninuit, zuni, arya, nymeria, joffrey

Sophie Turner's Direwolf Adopted Her

thestarks, housestark, wolves, sansa, sophieturner, northerninuit, zuni, arya, nymeria, joffrey

The Starks stumble upon a litter of dire wolves in the first episode, which is an extremely big and intelligent breed of wolf that also happens to be the symbol of House Stark. On the show, Sansa adopts one and calls it Lady, and in real life, Sophie Turner (who portrays Sansa) adopted the Northern Inuit dog who plays Lady. Turner claims she has always wanted a dog but her parents have never allowed her to have one, but they convinced the team to let her adopt the puppy, whom she has named Zuni. Lady's appearance on the program was short-lived since Ned Stark murdered her in favor of Arya's direwolf, Nymeria, who bit Joffrey. Only Jon Snow's Ghost and Nymeria survive the sixth season of the Stark family&

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Even those firefly larvae that are submerged in water or the underground may glow.

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Contraception use resulted in 26 million fewer unsafe abortions in the world's poorest countries.