piano player, ricks cafe american, dooley wilson, actor, sam, musician, bartender, drummer, mimed, a

Casablanca's Sam Was a Drummer

piano player, ricks cafe american, dooley wilson, actor, sam, musician, bartender, drummer, mimed, a

Though now famous as the piano player at Rick's Café Américain, Dooley Wilson, the actor who played Sam, was an experienced musician and bandleader—but not a piano player. He was a drummer and mimed the piano playing. "As Time Goes By" was dubbed in later.

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Chinese porcelain raw materials are inexpensive and widely available.

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Netflix’s Original Name On Paper Was Kibble.


A well-maintained porcelain piece can last over 1,000 years!

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There was an Objectionable American Role in the Indo-China War

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Male Gynecologists Frequently Require Female Support

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Adding a new word to a dictionary is a laborious process.

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The Dussehra celebrations in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, are another well-known event in India

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Snake plants can clean up pollutants and enhance air quality.

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Pigeons fly quickly.

Snake Plants

Snake Plants Prefer Dry Environments

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We almost had the 13th sign.

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Well! You must rethink of your morning coffee!

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King Tut And The Curse Of The Mummy

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Cancer-fighting qualities