air pollution

The cost of air pollution in the world is tremendous.

 air pollution

According to the World Bank, the yearly cost of air pollution is 225 billion US dollars. The eye-watering economic and social effects of poor air quality are highlighted in a report by the World Bank and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). It demonstrates what should be very obvious: dirty areas are less productive, attract fewer tourists, and deter job candidates.

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insomnia, Chromosome, genome-wide examination, electrical sleep, brain, sleep, sleeplessness

Insomnia raises the risk of car accidents.

Hindi, Urdu, language, Hindustani, north India, India

Hindi shares certain commonalities with Urdu, Bengali, Sanskrit, Nepalese, and Gujarati.

lipstick, makeup

Suffragettes saw lipstick as a symbol of women's liberation.

Vision Boards

Vision Boards Increase Productivity

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Before auditioning for the role of Chandler, Matthew Perry assisted his acting pals.

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Paul Schrader wrote Taxi Driver in Two Weeks


Flash USB flash drives made in the UK are dependable and long-lasting computer peripherals


There are two recognised Chihuahua breeds.

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The tallest flower is a sunflower

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World’s highest one horned rhino population “Kaziranga”

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It was believed that the three "Bells" belonged to the same person.

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Did you Know? Don Quixote is the best selling novel of all time.


Rotation Of Constellations A Matter of Perspective

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Netflix’s Original Name On Paper Was Kibble.


Your Gynecologist isn't concerned about how you look.

demise, star, blackhole. gravity, nuclear, drops, core, space, supernova

Dying stars give way to astronomical black holes.


The Stockholm metro also serves as an art gallery.

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Beneficial to Heart Health

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

Few People Still Exist in the World Who Are Capable of Blowing Glass

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There is a temple of rats in India

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Did you Know? Columbus Didn't Actually Discover America


Germany Loves Bread

Angkor Wat, temple, ruins, Hinduism, religion, machu picchu, Cambodia

The biggest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia may be found here.

earthen pots, earthenware, health professionals, slow cooking, earthy flavor

Terra cotta pots Porous in appearance

dreams, black, white, sleep, older, younger

"12% of people dream entirely in black and white"