Don Quixote, Don Quixote book, Don Quixote one piece

Did you Know? Don Quixote is the best selling novel of all time.

Don Quixote, Don Quixote book, Don Quixote one piece

With over 500 million copies sold, Don Quixote is the best-selling novel of all time. The novel by Miguel de Cervantes, about a man who becomes obsessed with tales of knights and decides to become one, is the one that gave us the phrase "tilting at Windmills" to describe a noble but futile endeavour. Since its publication in 1612, Don Quixote's misadventures as he travels across the Spanish countryside seeking to right wrongs and uplift downtrodden peoples have entertained generations of readers. Don Quixote is also regarded as one of the first novels ever written.

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