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The highest Spanish mountain is not in Spain.

spain, italy vs spain, map of spain, spain flag, travel to spain from uk, amazon spain, passenger lo

Well, it is in Spain, but not in the Iberian Peninsula. A fun fact about Spain is that the highest mountain in the country is Mount Teide (3718 meters). This mountain is situated in the Canary Islands and is an active volcano. As a consequence of its eruptions, the beaches of the island of Tenerife are of black sand instead of white.

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They are pink because of beta-carotene.

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The Ancient Hindus Knew How Long A Year Was.

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Fun Fact! Joker was formerly the Iranian ambassador to the United Nations.

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Children are most at risk from air pollution, but it affects all of us.

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It’s unlikely that probiotic supplements will help your gut

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Much bony fish have multiple sets of nostrils.

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Tiger Eye Gemstone Brings Emotional Intelligence

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Broccoli is genetically identical to kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi, and other Brassicas.


A poet created the Bulgarian flag.


Chinese people invented toothbrush bristles.

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Did you Know? President Abraham Lincoln is in the Wrestling Hall of Fame

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The use of soap-like substances dates back to around 2800 BCE in Ancient Babylon

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Did you Know? Madagascar once had a mad queen

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The eye disorder known as heterochromia is characterized by the presence of two distinct hues, one in each eye.

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Rio has the world's bluest sky.

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Linda Blair, best known for her role as the possessed child Regan in The Exorcist, made a brief appearance in Scream.

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"The Land Continues to Move"

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Did you Know? The world wastes about 1 billion metric tons of food each year.

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The size of a fairyfly


Topically applying it to your skin may be beneficial.


Several times a year, Christ gets struck by lightning.