moonstone, energy, fortune, spiritual

The moonstone is a feminine gemstone.

moonstone, energy, fortune, spiritual

The Chandramani stone has a good influence on a woman's hormonal equilibrium. With yin, it is often regarded as a feminine stone that improves hormonal balance and vigor. It reduces menstruation irregularities and alleviates discomfort during delivery.

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Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions

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The reason of death of Homi J Bhabha is still being discussed.

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Water was used for mirrors in ancient times.

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The Galata Bridge was nearly entirely the work of Leonardo da Vinci.

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"First international cricketer to be ejected by a third umpire"

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Vampires Share A History With Frankenstein.

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The unreasonable dread of happiness is known as cherophobia.

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Santa entertainers may earn up to $1,200 per hour.

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Did you Know? Greek Fire, a weapon of the Eastern Roman Empire, was utilised in ship-mounted flamethrowers.

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The summer is the period of the year when most births occur.

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For yeti researchers, the Cold War increased the stakes.

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Alexandria Was Named After Alexander The Great

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Baby New Year is, in fact, rather ancient.

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Tanks were developed by the Britishers during the first world war

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One-third of the Netherlands is under sea level

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The debate about Afrikaans continues.

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We are born with 33 vertebrae and lose some as we get older.


Baba Marta is a fun holiday.

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Animal Creatures Are Stingrays

Dust mites

Dust mites resemble tiny spiders.

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The largest Spanish-speaking population on the planet


Lobsters use their legs to taste.

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Did you Know? 13 frames per second is the slowest speed human brain will process images consecutively

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People of New Zealand consumes the ice creams most