netherlands, lowlands, europe, zuidplaspolder, vaalserberg hill, airport

One-third of the Netherlands is under sea level

netherlands, lowlands, europe, zuidplaspolder, vaalserberg hill, airport

“The Netherlands” translates to “the lowlands” and there’s no secret how the country got its name! It is the most low-lying country in Europe, with almost one-third of it below sea level.

Zuidplaspolder is the lowest point, at 6.7 meters below sea level, while the highest point is Vaalserberg hill, at 323 meters above sea level. 

A further 50% of land in the Netherlands is only one meter above sea level and 60% of the population lives five meters below sea level.

Even Schiphol Airport, the country’s main international airport, is over three meters below sea level. Thankfully, the Neth

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