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The Two Least Profitable Films Both Take Place on Mars

leat, profitable, films, both, mars, planet, sci-fi, john carter, bomb, mars needs moms

If you're looking to score big box office bucks, stay away from Mars. The two biggest money losers of all time both take place on that planet, with the 2012 sci-fi bomb John Carter holding the No. 2 spot with a loss of almost $127 million, outdone only by Mars Needs Moms, from a year earlier, which lost its studio more than $143 million—the worst ROI ever.

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Using Grapefruit to Reduce "Bad" Cholesterol

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Did you Know? Using Forks Used to Be Seen as Sacrilegious

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Wind chill is calculated using a very precise formula.

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An employer came under fire for refusing to hire certain signs.

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Two cup sizes aren’t on the menu at Starbucks.

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It is a prosperous but not expensive country.


Diabetics are helped by Amaltas

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The longest chess game possible in Chess (in theory) is of 549 moves.

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Did you Know? There are more than 700 versions of Cinderella.


The Chihuahuas is among the earliest recognised breeds.

 Hot Pockets

In the 1970s, Hot Pockets were created.

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Vitamins C and E levels may be higher in the young plants

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is home to 96 billionaires.

curtains, drapes, wealth, Valance, opaque panels, Tiebacks

Plants were used to make ancient blinds.