spanish, Spain, united states, Colombia

The World's Largest Exporter of Beer

spanish, Spain, united states, Colombia

Another obscure Mexican truth. The country is well-known for its Corona and Sol beers, which are popular around the world, but did you know there are MANY other types of cool Mexican beer? Pacifico, Indio, Tecate, Victoria, and Bohemia are just a few examples.

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The most feared pirate of all time was Blackbeard.

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Did you Know? Japan imports over 80% of Jamaica's annual coffee production

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse wasn't created by Walt Disney.

European Country

The European Country with the Lowest Obesity

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Museo Delle Anime del Purgatorio displays documents signed by haunted souls in purgatory.

air pollution, pollution

On UK highways, there are about 12 million diesel vehicles.


Women are more likely to suffer from sleeplessness.

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Isaac Newton invented the cat door

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Did you Know? Hitler's birth chart predicted his future.

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The Dutch own more bicycles than any other country in the world

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Did you Know? Serkis had to play King Kong twice for the same movie.

red lips, lipstick, makeup

In the 1880s, there was a lip rouge controversy.

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Did you Know? The thickness of egg shell depends upon the age of laying hen.

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Alien's Androids Are Alphabetized

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How are the themes determined?

famous authors

When writing with a pencil, many famous authors felt more inspired.

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It’s illegal not to walk your dog at least three times a day in Turin, Italy

candle, candles, romans, wax

There is a proper way to burn candles.

wallpaper, wallpaper facts, facts about human body, human psychology, psychology facts

Changing your desktop background might help you feel less stressed.

The United States

The United States is one of just eight countries in the world that does not mandate paid maternity leave.

 air pollution

The cost of air pollution in the world is tremendous.

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Did you Know? Disneyland was originally opened on Sunday with total of 18 attractions.

t shirt, tshirt, tshirt water, tshirt making

Did you Know? It takes 700 gallons of water to make a cotton shirt.

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Toners are essential, particularly in the summer because they prepare your skin for moisturization

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Did you Know? Eating More Protein Could Help Your Metabolism