maine, united states, america

The Most Eastern Point

maine, united states, america

The easternmost point of land in the 48 contiguous states is West Quoddy Head near Lubec, Maine.

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positive flower, a sunflower

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Did you Know? Kleenex tissues were initially designed for use with gas masks.

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It owns a telescope in Arizona, United States of America.

laotian, rice, lotion, flexible, country, national

A fascinating 'crater' lake can be found here.


Consuming grapefruit may enhance the quality of your diet and increase your consumption of vitamin C

Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, Himalayas, Kullu, Mandi

MTB Himalayas, the greatest Trekking race in southeast Asia was facilitated by Shimla.

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Did you Know? Over 80% of Japan is mountainous

lobster, crabs, clams, mussels

One of lobsters claws may apply up to 100 pounds of pressure per square inch

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The temperature across the Universe is the same.


A poet created the Bulgarian flag.

Your nails'

Your nails' ability to grow can be impacted by stress.

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There are a lot of strange dictionaries out there.

lotion, Moisturizing, vitamin C, collagen,  wrinkles,  skin suppleness

Examine the lotion bottle's label.

 Matrix color-coded

Did you Know? The Matrix film is color-coded.

shimla, Himachal Pradesh, Himalayas, Kullu, Mandi

Youngest city

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Did you Know? There is a thin ring around Jupiter


The copper content of New York's Statue of Liberty exceeds 80 tonnes.

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Does spirituality have any impact on finding inner peace?

dust mites, microscope, pincer-like claws, lice, bed bugs, parasites

Dust mites do not bite people and are not parasites.

candle, candles, romans, wax

There is a proper way to burn candles.

soap, saponification, Babylon, Ancient, alkali, oils,  Ebers papyrus, Egyptians, Chinese, Zhou Dynas

Soap has progressed from a simple cleanser to a drab daytime drama.

beetroot, beet

Reduce your blood pressure by drinking beet juice.

amaltas, leaves, benefits

Amaltas treats diarrhea

moon, human , history, mariana trench, harsh conditions, director james cameron, national geographic

The Mariana Trench has been visited by more people than the moon.


They consume a lot of alcohol.