lobster, crabs, clams, mussels

When they crave blood or sex, lobsters notably urinate out of their faces.

lobster, crabs, clams, mussels

The greenish-brown dots next to the antennae are lobsters' antennal glands, and it's common practice for them to urinate at one another during conflict or courtship. A male enters a pheromonal state of calm when the female, who initiates contact, repeatedly urinates in his shelter.

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Anxiety And Depression Are Linked

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Benjamin Franklin predicted his rival's death.

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Did you Know? African Lungfish can survive for a year without water.

fruits, mimosa pudica

Although it can be grown outside as well, this type of plant is typically kept indoors

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the first Oscar for a technicolor film


Formula-fed Babies Are More Content

Fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

Much bony fish have multiple sets of nostrils.

rattlesnake, snakes, reptiles

Only every two weeks do they eat.

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The English language received the term "serendipity" from Sri Lanka.

Sea Lampreys

Sea Lampreys are captured and sterilised as well.



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Did you Know? Taj Mahal Changes Colour Three Times A Day

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Did you Know? Reading Protects from Prison

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Another factor raising cardiovascular risk is coagulation abnormalities in insulin resistance.


The use of asthma inhalers can be challenging. With a Spacer, Side Effects are Reduced.

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The International Space Station still makes use of conventional toilet paper.

Hong Kongers

Hong Kongers have a strong history of entrepreneurship.

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Our Milky Way Most Likely Has a Black Hole.

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Did you Know? Marvel's First Superhero

Indian, street dog, dogs

Senior citizens like the company of Indian pariah dogs.


They are pink because of beta-carotene.

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Sylvia Plath was also a visual artist.

 dictionary, lexicographers, contextual, editors, research

Adding a new word to a dictionary is a laborious process.

fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

The gorgeous sea turtles may be found in nearly every ocean basin on the planet.


Ancient Inuits produced armour