zodiac, virgo, scorpio, chinese, language, hiring manager, feisty, critical, cancer, fbi, most dange

Benjamin Franklin predicted his rival's death.

zodiac, virgo, scorpio, chinese, language, hiring manager, feisty, critical, cancer, fbi, most dange

In his Poor Richard's Almanac, founding father Benjamin Franklin got one over on rival Titan Leeds, also an almanac writer, by "predicting" the exact date and time of his death. When Leeds obviously didn't die on the given date, Franklin kept the prank going, claiming that he actually had passed on and that an imposter was publishing his almanac.


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Did you Know? The Bloody Mary Wasn't Always Called a Bloody Mary

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Did you Know? On the moon, there were previously active volcanoes.

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Did you Know? Tomb Raider is the creation of just six people

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Malleus Maleficarum: the witch-hunting manual that became the gospel of every witch-hunter.

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Some of the rosehips are full of vitamin C.

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Did you Know? According to Legends, Macbeth had a curse on it.


Ancient Inuits produced armour

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During WWII, wearing lipstick became a symbol of patriotism.

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Chickens have excellent color vision.

language, language facts, language evolution

Did you Know? Language is thought to have originated circa 100,000 BC.


Ulcers are not caused by stress.

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In Budapest, there is a statue that can turn you into a great writer.

Buzz Aldrin.

A conspiracy theorist was once punched in the face by Buzz Aldrin.

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Bali is part of the 'Coral Triangle.'

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FRIENDS was orginally called as INSOMNIA CAFE and have a different plot too.

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Do you Know? Secret behind The Announce of iPhone

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Mount Everest is estimated to be 60 million years old.

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At age 12, Plath's IQ was recorded at around 160.

birmingham, Venice, Italy, United Kingdom, England

Heavy Metal's Birthplace

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No, The Pyramids Were Not Built By Slaves

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At night, moisturize.

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Only 2.3% of the Taiwanese population is native

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Antibiotic compounds are produced by probiotics.

chia seed

Chia seeds have a 9-fold capacity for water absorption.