oscars, theartist, bestpicture, 1929, wings, charlesbuddyrogers, richardallen, clarabow, younggaryco

the first Oscar for a technicolor film

oscars, theartist, bestpicture, 1929, wings, charlesbuddyrogers, richardallen, clarabow, younggaryco

In 1940, "Gone With The Wind" became the first color movie to be awarded Best Picture.

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Lowbush berries

Lowbush berries are mainly produced in Canada.


Cleopatra Was Not Egyptian

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Shintoism has no one founder.

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A Historical Dictionary of Indian Food claims that the Portuguese were the first to use mango grafting.

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When they crave blood or sex, lobsters notably urinate out of their faces.

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Each Time They Shed, They Add a Rattle Segment.

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Before Charlotte, Anne and Emily were able to locate a publisher.

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Candidates with any educational background are eligible to compete.

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Did you Know? Cupcakes, once called as '1234' or 'number cakes'.

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Did you Know? The largest cake was of the size of an elephant.

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Did you Know! Gravity on earth actually varies.

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Did you Know? Cupcakes isn't a recent development.

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Have you heard the legends of El Chupacabra?

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Just because you’re blind doesn’t mean you don’t have to learn math.

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In the last four years, the number of electric vehicles in the UK has increased 26-fold.


Halibut Is It A Flat Fish?

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Did you Know, You Can Visit China's ghost cities.

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In China in the sixth century, toilet paper usage was first noted.

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Fun Fact! Machu Picchu Was Never “Lost”

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