Fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

Much bony fish have multiple sets of nostrils.

Fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

Fish nostrils, like those of humans, do not open into the back of the mouth and are thus not used for breathing. They lead to smell organs, which are extremely sensitive, allowing fish to sense the presence of food in the water from great distances. More nostrils equal more sniffing!

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Quebec City was established in 1608.

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On average, a cow produces 6.3 gallons of milk each day

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Hong Kong has the most buildings per capita in the world.

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The unreasonable dread of happiness is known as cherophobia.

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There is no permanent citizenship in Vatican City.

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Authors are probably not making as much money up front as you believe.

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Teletubbyland's Rabbits Were Also Large.


Even those firefly larvae that are submerged in water or the underground may glow.


When was Stonehenge constructed?

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Athena was born differently from her siblings: she was the consequence of a headache.

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Jaws' Most Famous Line Was Improvised

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The longest cricket match lasted 14 days.

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Did you Know? Brunch was initially created to alleviate hangovers.

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Rose is US's national flower.

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Did you Know? A cigarette contains about 4,800 chemicals in it.

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Dust mites resemble tiny spiders.

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Suffragettes saw lipstick as a symbol of women's liberation.

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Egypt Borders Two Seas

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Did you Know? The Axis Powers were developing a dirty bomb.

santa claus

Santa and Mrs. Claus are Canadian citizens.

Micky Mouse

Micky Mouse was voiced by Walt Disney

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