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Anxiety Can Cause Anger

anxiety, anxiety symptoms, anxiety medication, social anxiety, anxiety attack, high functioning anxi

A common, but the lesser-known side effect of anxiety is anger. When we feel powerless over a situation, or our life is out of our control, expressing anger is a natural way to feel a sense of control.
It’s much easier to externalize the conflict rather than acknowledge the real issue and deal with it. Additionally, with chronic sufferers of anxiety, depression sometimes develops.

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Coconut Oil!

Canine Coconut Oil!

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Raindrops are shaped more like hamburger buns

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The Incas Didn’t Use Any Mortar In Its Construction

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Call it Speed! An F1 crew can change tyres and refuel in three seconds.


Sofia's oldest structure is a church.


Coconuts were named by the Portuguese.


When was Stonehenge constructed?