british museum, british museum london, sutton hoo british museum, hokusai british museum, british mu

The Museum once had a ‘Cabinet of Obscene Objects’

british museum, british museum london, sutton hoo british museum, hokusai british museum, british mu

Others have called it the British Museum’s ‘porn room’, but the title it was originally given is a little more salubrious: the Secretum. Opened in 1865, following the publication of the Obscene Publications Act (1857), the Secretum contained around 200 objects, labeled (possibly with the curator’s tongue firmly in cheek?) as ‘abominable monuments to human licentiousness’. Anyone who wanted to get in for an afternoon of fun and games and serious study required a special permit. Strictly for gentlemen only, one needed to demonstrate ‘mature years and sound morals’ to qualify. Details on how this was decided have not been recorded…

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Braille is not a language.

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Flamingos are toothless.

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Anaximenes Of Miletus (c.586-c.526 BCE)

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Did you Know? Employees of Disneyland lead a life of sacrifice!

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Did you Know? Mind is more active in dreams as compared to when a person is awake

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A hypnotised individual maintains complete control.

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95 Percent Of Egyptians Live Along The River Nile


Golf was anything but relaxing in Walt Disney's opinion.

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Hernias come in a variety of forms.

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Did you Know? Eyes are very sensitive!

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Australia is home to the largest species of reptiles.

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Did you Know? Bob Kane Didn’t Create Batman as We Know Him

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The 1979 NCAA tournament marked the beginning of the careers of basketball legends.

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