Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln assassination, john wilkes booth, lincoln assassination, president

Did you Know? Abraham Lincoln Was Also a Licensed Bartender

Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln assassination, john wilkes booth, lincoln assassination, president

Lincoln was a certified bartender in addition to being a wrestling champion. In 1833, the 16th President opened Berry and Lincoln, a saloon in New Salem, Illinois, with his friend William F. Berry. Berry, an alcoholic, eventually forced the shop's closure after consuming the majority of its stock.

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Mrs. Claus is Santa's wife.

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The origins of astrology go way back in history.

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Water was used for mirrors in ancient times.

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A Key To Managing ADHD Is To Seek Out Places Where You Thrive

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Snake plants

Snake plants can clean up pollutants and enhance air quality.


Hindi was designated as the official language of India on September 14, 1949. Every year on September 14th, Hindi Day is observed.


What Iguanas Are Known For

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There was a "Golden Age of Piracy," but piracy dates back to ancient times.

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For thousands of years, wisdom teeth have served no purpose.

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Nevermind dethroned the King of Pop by topping the charts.

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Cures urinary issues


Chihuahuas have floppy ears from birth.

sting rays

Female sting rays Are Bigger Than Male

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Afrikaans was regarded as slang or "improper" until it was made official.

Sachin Tendulkar

Sachin Tendulkar also Assisted as a ball boy

summer, summer season, summer carnival

Summer is by far the busiest time of year for movie theaters.

Male spiders

Male spiders enjoy giving gifts.

taylor swift, track, world record

Most streamed track in one week by a female artist (USA)