literature, jane, janeausten, austen, writing, fiction, love, friendship, tomlefory, tom, harris, ha


literature, jane, janeausten, austen, writing, fiction, love, friendship, tomlefory, tom, harris, ha

The first film adaptation of Austen's work was MGM's 1940 Pride and Prejudice, starring Lawrence Olivier and Greer Garson. Emma Thomspon was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay for her work on director Ang Lee's 1995 film Sense and Sensibility, in which she also starred.

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Malleus Maleficarum: the witch-hunting manual that became the gospel of every witch-hunter.

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Extension clips can be replaced.

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The typical individual will spend six months of their lives waiting for red lights to change to green lights.

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Originally, Hong Kong was only Hong Kong Island.

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The Vatican is the Wine Capital.


Centipedes do not all live outside.

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Babies that are given formula have stronger bones.

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No, Jahangir, the Mughal emperor, did not find Kashmir. Emperor Ashoka established Srinagar.

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443 years ago it was known as Prayag

 Abraham Lincoln

According to one conspiracy theory, Abraham Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, did not die.

Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease affects the brain's straucture

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Did you Know? Some planes can fly 5 hours after their engine goes off


Kiwi can support strong bones.

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Did you Know? Many feet bones don't harden until you're an adult.

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Diamond is the hardest natural substance on earth


It's a Nobel Prize-Winning Machine.