viking, oldnorse, oldenglishroots, scandinavia, pirates, raids

Nobody knows what Viking truly means.

viking, oldnorse, oldenglishroots, scandinavia, pirates, raids

Viking refers to a procedure in which exhausted rowers aboard a ship turned up their seats to the fresh rowers in Old Norse. The title usually refers to a man who works aboard a ship. Another suggestion is that the title is derived from the Norse phrase for a sea-mile. Even though it makes the connection between man and the water, this idea is less widely recognized among academics. The phrase, which has Old English roots, refers to a poem from the 9th century about pirates and raids from Scandinavia.

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Redder is better, obviously

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Legs can grow back on centipedes.

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In 2018, Netflix Broke HBO’s 17-Year Emmys Streak.

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Limes float, but lemons sink.

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Betanin Gives Food a Vibrant Color

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Malleus Maleficarum: the witch-hunting manual that became the gospel of every witch-hunter.

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Asterism Not Considered True Constellation

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Some of the rosehips are full of vitamin C.

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"World leaders are often Scorpios."


Hindi is also spoken in Mauritius, Guyana, Fiji, Tobago, and Nepal, in addition to India.


Age also causes reduced sebum production.

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Did you Know? Walt Disney has his own private and secret apartment.

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