oscars, theartist, bestpicture, 1929, wings, charlesbuddyrogers, richardallen, clarabow, younggaryco

Did you know the cost of an Oscar Award?

oscars, theartist, bestpicture, 1929, wings, charlesbuddyrogers, richardallen, clarabow, younggaryco

Each gold-plated Oscar award costs $500 to make and weighs around 8 and a half pounds. Chicago-based company R.S. Owens starts manufacturing the Oscar statuettes one year in advance of the show. 

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An employer came under fire for refusing to hire certain signs.


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Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea can also be beneficial if you are unwell or have a cold.



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Did you Know? Doritos may be used as kindling since they are combustible.

Santa Claus

Turkey is where Santa Claus was born.

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Women are less likely to hold positions of power in business.

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Sachin Tendulkar is the son of a poet.

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King Tut And The Curse Of The Mummy

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A Fairyfly: Where Does It Live?

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We have chocolate thanks to the Spanish

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In Japan, you may be asked for your blood type instead of your sign.

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Did you Know? Indian weddings are a colorful event.

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Petra is near a famous biblical site

fairyfly, Mymaridae, insects, Chalcid wasp

What Is the State of Their Conservation?

kerala, india

The Meaning of the Name Wayanad

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Did you Know? World’s Largest Portuguese-Speaking Nation

Sound Wave

What Exactly Is A Sound Wave?

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A Key To Managing ADHD Is To Seek Out Places Where You Thrive


Flamingos have a 10,000–15,000-foot ceiling.


In Samoa, it’s illegal to forget your wife’s birthday

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Roses are one of the oldest flowers .