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Some of the rosehips are full of vitamin C.

roses, flowers, oldestplants, guniessbooks, world records, genus rosa, familyrosaceae, species, rome

Roses also produce a berry-shaped fruit known as 'rose hips.' The fruit may be orange, red, dark purple, or even black in color. Rose hips are high in vitamin C and can be dried to make a tasty tea. This is why rosehips are occasionally used to make jam, jelly, and marmalade. The hip is also used in food supplements and can be pressed or filtered to make rose hip syrup.

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If you have diabetes, be careful of injections.


Owns a large number of firearms but has the lowest crime rates

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Bangkok: A tale of many markets

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Custard Apple Improves Vision

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Japan is experiencing a ninja shortage.

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A clerical costume is a misdemeanor in one state.

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Did you Know? The world wastes about 1 billion metric tons of food each year.

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Ancient Egyptians Loved Board Games


Moonstone is a natural emotional healer.