dussehra, Sanskrit phrase, Dash Hara, the defeat of the Sun,  Hindu, Sun, Lord Rama, Ravana

Some myths even claim that Goddess Durga visited her birthplace on Earth along with her children Lakshmi, Ganesha, Kartik, and Saraswati

dussehra, Sanskrit phrase, Dash Hara, the defeat of the Sun,  Hindu, Sun, Lord Rama, Ravana

Some myths even claim that Goddess Durga visited her birthplace on Earth along with her children Lakshmi, Ganesha, Kartik, and Saraswati to stay for a while. She went back to her husband Lord Shiva on Dussehra day.

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Dussehra, Sanskrit phrase, Dash Hara, the defeat of the Sun,  Hindu, Sun, Lord Rama, Ravana

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