Indian, street dog, dogs

Stray dogs are simple to train.

Indian, street dog, dogs

The Indian pariah dog turned out to be the best performer of the dog squad after being accepted by Uttarakhand Police and trained with various foreign species!

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Harvard has 92 kilometers of bookshelves

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Did you Know? Sun Exposure can minimise acne breakouts.

 Black Country

The Black Country produced the first steam engine.

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The seventh most visited country on the planet


The prolonged use of OTC drugs can result in ulcers.


Probiotics are present throughout our bodies, not only the gut.

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Sea lampreys have an impact on both the ecology and the economy.


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Johannes Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring

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Starbucks has its own record label.


Quebec is a province that speaks French.

Vision Boards

Vision Boards Increase Productivity

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Antidepressants Can Help — No matter what Your Temperament

Times Square, New York, New Year

The man who is credited with writing Auld Lang Syne did not complete it.

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Because of their keen sense of smell, beagles can even detect pregnancy.

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The Kingdom of Pagan in Myanmar

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Did you Know? Some of the rocks of Black sea are at least 540 million years old

The Evil Dead

The gory noises heard in The Evil Dead were made with walnuts and dead chickens.

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There Was A 100 Year-Long Dispute Between Peru And Yale Over Artifacts Collected From Machu Picchu


Daily Use of Sunscreen Prevents Aging

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Did you Know? DC Comics bought the rights to superman for $130.

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Cures urinary issues

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The first modern novel is Spanish


Tulsi Reduces colds, coughs, and other respiratory problems

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There Are Over 200 Different Stingray Species.