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The Founder Of The Company Came Up With The Idea For Netflix From A Late Fee.

netflix, mitch lowe, pornography, bill clinton, monica lewinsky, scandal, customer, chineseetflix, m

Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, got the idea for the company back in 1997 when Blockbuster had charged him a late fee of $40 for a VHS copy of Apollo 13. His little idea soon grew into something a lot bigger and he eventually launched Netflix in 1998. 

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Netflix Once Generated More Internet Traffic Than Google.

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A 6- to 8-inch-long skeleton was unearthed outside a Chilean ghost town.

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Did you know? Because of Tiana, about 50 children were admitted to the hospital.

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Bali is actually made up of four islands.


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When Modern Warfare 3 Launched, Over 1.4 Billion Multiplayer Call Of Duty Matches Had Been Played

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds can help prevent cancer.

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Despite having a Dutch foundation, a number of other languages have had an impact on Afrikaans.

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Did you Know? The forests of Madhya pradesh were inspiration behind Jungle book

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One of only three dragon flags in the world.

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Did you Know? The known cosmos contains an infinite number of stars.

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The 'New Year's Rockin' Eve event on ABC has a lengthy history.

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Oysters actively participate in gender switching!


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The highest Spanish mountain is not in Spain.

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Isaac Newton invented the cat door

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Starbucks has its own record label.


You Can Have a Headache Without a Migraine