afrikaans, african, dutch

Despite having a Dutch foundation, a number of other languages have had an impact on Afrikaans.

afrikaans, african, dutch

The languages of the individuals who were brought to South Africa in the 18th and 19th centuries had an impact on the formation of Afrikaans. These included the now mainly extinct Khoisan languages, several Bantu languages (primarily Xhosa and Zulu), Malay, Portuguese, French, German, Scottish, Yiddish, and South African English.

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Eating before going to bed causes nightmares.

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The name Dussehra is derived from the Sanskrit phrase Dash Hara, which in English means "the defeat of the Sun.


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The British Museum had its own tube station for over 30 years

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Tanks were developed by the Britishers during the first world war

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Did you Know? Halloween is the second-most commerical American Holiday of the year.

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The preferred method of carrying things is on the head in Myanmar

Sri Lanka, biodiversity,  jewels, coast of India, country

It is the birthplace of cinnamon.

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Did you Know the Fact about the Creation of Humans?

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Children operate a train in Budapest.

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Although unlikely, hybrid bears could explain the yeti legends.

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Did you Know? African Lungfish can survive for a year without water.

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Did you Know? Dreams can recharge your creativity.

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The Royal Society of Chemistry bestowed an honorary fellowship to Sherlock Holmes.

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Color television was invented in Mexico.