curtains, drapes, wealth, Valance, opaque panels, Tiebacks

Do you know the story behind Venetian Blinds?

curtains, drapes, wealth, Valance, opaque panels, Tiebacks

Many people are familiar with Venetian blinds and believe that they originated in Venice. However, these blinds were originally a Persian invention that was later discovered by the Venetians in the 18th century before being shown to the rest of Europe.

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Yes, there is such a thing as Fika.

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The eureka diamond was discovered by a fifteen-year-old

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The Ancient Hindus Knew How Long A Year Was.

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Their "Wings" Flap as They Move

asteroid, space, universe

International Asteroid Day was established in 2016 by the UN General Assembly.

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From minor trickling to potentially fatal bleeding, stomach ulcers can bleed.

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Largest tropical rainforest

Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease affects the brain's straucture

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Hiccups protect the lungs from the absence of gills.

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Angkor's ancient ruins are far larger than you believe.