curtains, drapes, wealth, Valance, opaque panels, Tiebacks

Do you know the story behind Venetian Blinds?

curtains, drapes, wealth, Valance, opaque panels, Tiebacks

Many people are familiar with Venetian blinds and believe that they originated in Venice. However, these blinds were originally a Persian invention that was later discovered by the Venetians in the 18th century before being shown to the rest of Europe.

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Sandro Botticelli's The Birth of Venus

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Almond flour is an excellent gluten-free substitute for wheat flour!

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The typical individual will spend six months of their lives waiting for red lights to change to green lights.


Daily Use of Sunscreen Prevents Aging

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Fun Fact! Dribbling was not permitted until 1897.

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Lionel Messi: A Tale of Two Nations?

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Pedigree dogs or Indian dogs?

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Diamond is the hardest natural substance on earth

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Scientists thought this dinosaur-era tree went extinct 150 million years ago — but then it was found growing wild in Australia.

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Only Luv Kush Temple exists.

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Did you Know? On the eve of New Year, other cities drop Pickles, Drag Queens and Fleas.

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Catnip Is Available in What Forms?

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Coke had a promotion in which they filled their cans with disgusting concoctions.


The College Street in Kolkata

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Did you Know? In-flight oxygen masks aren't intended to last the whole flight.

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Coconuts were named by the Portuguese.


Owns a large number of firearms but has the lowest crime rates