Bhutan,  Vajrayana Buddhism, Buddhism, religion, Bhutanese, Buddhist

To visit Bhutan, tourists must spend a minimum of US$200 per day.

Bhutan,  Vajrayana Buddhism, Buddhism, religion, Bhutanese, Buddhist

Contrary to popular assumption, visiting Bhutan is now pretty simple - it's just pricey. Except for nationals of India, Bangladesh, and the Maldives, all tourists to Bhutan must travel with a tour operator. Tourists must pay a minimum daily package of US$200 per person per day (in high season, which is spring and autumn, anticipate spending an additional $50 per day). This fee covers a stay in a 3/4-star hotel, all meals, transportation, a guide, and a driver (drinks are not included). Bhutan is impossible to visit on a budget, yet you get your money's worth. It is also worth noting that $65 of this $200/day goes toward paying the government's free education and healthcare programmes for citizens. Bridge to

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