rats, pets, loveable, movie, hollywood, animated, ratatouille, culinary, vermin

Pet Rats Sold Big After Ratatouille

rats, pets, loveable, movie, hollywood, animated, ratatouille, culinary, vermin

After the success of the 2007 film telling the story of the lovable, culinary-inspired vermin, kids everywhere asked their parents, "Can we get one? I promise I'll take care of it." At least one domestic pet chain saw sales of pet rats jump 50 percent after the movie's release. We wonder how many of those rats immediately became parental responsibilities…

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Who Residing With Fairyflies?

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Device With Several Names


You should always apply SPF-protected moisturiser

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Times Square, New York, New Year

To assist sailors, time balls were devised.

Snake Plants

Snake Plants Prefer Dry Environments

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There are clear differences between north and south korean.



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Anxiety Disorders Increase Risk Of Health Complications

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Insulin resistance effects the oral hypoglycemic medication you choose.