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Queen Victoria proposed to her husband

queen victoria, queen victoria family tree, who succeeded queen victoria, where is queen victoria bu

At age 16, Victoria met her future husband, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who also happened to be her first cousin. After four years of friendship and flirtation, Queen Victoria proposed to her prince (actually, she had no choice—according to tradition, a man couldn’t propose to the queen). The smitten couple married in 1840.

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One-third of the Netherlands is under sea level

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Kowloon translates to "Nine Dragons."

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Butterflies taste with their feet.

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Fun Fact! Mary Actually Had a Little Lamb

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The most costly Oscar winner

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There can be many Buddhas, including you.

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The Balinese only have four names.


Unemployment is low.

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Book publishers adore sending books to reviewers!



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Did you Know? Green Yellow and Red Capsicums are not the same vegetable.

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Ruby red beets are a top supplier of nitrates

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Messi has yet to win a big international title.

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What Is the Difference Between Butterscotch and Salted Caramel?

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Did you Know? 13 frames per second is the slowest speed human brain will process images consecutively

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The Dutch consume the most liquorice in the world

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Barbie was named after its creator's daughter.


Kolkatas's  Chinatown


Asthma Is Not All Wheezing.

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Because there is no easily accessible insulin resistance test in primary care, we must identify insulin resistance risk factors.