Jana Gana Man, indian national anthem, national anthem, Jana Gana Man facts, Jana Gana Man written

There is no compulsion to sing the National Anthem. But you Must Respect it

Jana Gana Man, indian national anthem, national anthem, Jana Gana Man facts, Jana Gana Man written

There is no law requiring people to sing the national anthem. Furthermore, simply standing up in silence when the national anthem is sung is not considered rude or insulting. However, if someone causes any kind of disruption while it is being played, it obviously raises eyebrows and he/she is liable for punishment, as stated by law. Section 3 of the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act of 1971 allows for a three-year jail sentence or fine for "anyone knowingly hinders or creates disruptions to any assemblage engaged in such singing." Furthermore, Article 51-A(a) of the Constitution states that it is the obligation of every citizen to "abide by the Constitution and respect its principles a

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Sanskrit serves as the mother of so many languages

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One interesting fact about India is that it was the first country to develop sugar extraction and purification processes.

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The names ‘Andaman’ and ‘Nicobar’ are taken from the Malay Language

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Hanuman Ji once administered sindoor on his entire body to ensure Lord Rama's long life.

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Did you Know? Vedvyas is a position, not a name.

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World's only floating post office is in India's Srinagar

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Babur Brought Gunpowder To India.

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Interestingly! A red sandstone mosque and guesthouse flank the Taj.

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The Holy river Ganga has her bodyguard too!

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Amazingly! The Indian Railways operates five super luxury trains.

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Hanuman created the Surya Namaskara (salutation to the sun).

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